Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Public education system

The public education system has long been deteriorating, and the government continues to do very little to fix this problem. At times the government wastes time and money on bad projects, and the money could be invested into the public education system. What got us into this economic crisis was the demand for instantaneous positive short-term returns.
When I was in high school it seemed like teachers would just pass students in order to get them through the system, without learning anything. When I sat in on some technical classes, it seemed like there was no teaching going on and the teachers were just there to baby-sit. The people in these technical classes account for the majority of the graduating class, and now we just let them into the real world with no financial knowledge. They will need housing, and thus they entered into bad loans. Thus, causing the housing market to suffer.
To fix the economy we need more than just money. The government needs to focus on public school systems in order to create better industries and jobs. If we lack the education for better jobs, companies will forego the US and look somewhere else to invest their capital. Although investing in education will not see immediate short-term results, but the US needs it to be successful in the future.


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